interface Signal
thefrontside/effectionConvert plain JavaScript function calls into a Stream that can be consumed within an operation. If no operation is subscribed to a signal's stream, then sending messages to it is a no-op.
Signals are particularly suited to be installed as event listeners.
Example 1
import { createSignal, each } from "effection";
export function* logClicks(function*(button) {
let clicks = createSignal<MouseEvent>();
button.addEventListener("click", clicks.send);
try {
for (let click of yield* each(clicks)) {
console.log(`click:`, click);
} finally {
button.removeEventListener("click", clicks.send);
Type Parameters
- type of each event sent by this signal
- type of the final event sent by this signal
- send(value: T): void
Send a value to all the consumers of this signal.
- close(value: TClose): void
Send the final value of this signal to all its consumers.